--- configure.ac_orig	2013-03-23 12:21:11.907228112 +0100
+++ configure.ac	2013-03-23 12:21:53.982820539 +0100
@@ -259,18 +259,18 @@
 AC_CHECK_FUNCS([backtrace backtrace_symbols])
 # Python
-case "$host" in
-	# Change backslashes to forward slashes in pyexecdir to avoid
-	# quoting issues
-	pyexecdir=`echo $pyexecdir | tr '\\\\' '/'`
-	;;
-AM_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS(, AC_MSG_ERROR([Python headers not found]))
-if test "x$os_win32" = "xyes"; then
-  AM_CHECK_PYTHON_LIBS(, AC_MSG_ERROR([Python libs not found. Windows requires Python modules to be explicitly linked to libpython.]))
+#case "$host" in
+#	# Change backslashes to forward slashes in pyexecdir to avoid
+#	# quoting issues
+#	pyexecdir=`echo $pyexecdir | tr '\\\\' '/'`
+#	;;
+#AM_CHECK_PYTHON_HEADERS(, AC_MSG_ERROR([Python headers not found]))
+#if test "x$os_win32" = "xyes"; then
+#  AM_CHECK_PYTHON_LIBS(, AC_MSG_ERROR([Python libs not found. Windows requires Python modules to be explicitly linked to libpython.]))
 dnl Not enabled by default until 3.6 cycle when we can propose mako as
 dnl an external dependency