diff -Nur a/src/modules/localecfg/main.py b/src/modules/localecfg/main.py
--- a/src/modules/localecfg/main.py	2017-11-14 15:18:58.000000000 +0000
+++ b/src/modules/localecfg/main.py	2017-11-20 18:56:23.801595116 +0000
@@ -47,38 +47,6 @@
     install_path = libcalamares.globalstorage.value("rootMountPoint")
-    # restore backup if available
-    if os.path.exists('/etc/locale.gen.bak'):
-        shutil.copy2("{!s}/etc/locale.gen.bak".format(install_path),
-                     "{!s}/etc/locale.gen".format(install_path))
-    # run locale-gen if detected
-    if os.path.exists('/etc/locale.gen'):
-        text = []
-        with open("{!s}/etc/locale.gen".format(install_path), "r") as gen:
-            text = gen.readlines()
-        # we want unique values, so locale_values should have 1 or 2 items
-        locale_values = set(locale_conf.values())
-        with open("{!s}/etc/locale.gen".format(install_path), "w") as gen:
-            for line in text:
-                # always enable en_US
-                if en_us_locale in line and line[0] == "#":
-                    # uncomment line
-                    line = line[1:].lstrip()
-                for locale_value in locale_values:
-                    if locale_value in line and line[0] == "#":
-                        # uncomment line
-                        line = line[1:].lstrip()
-                gen.write(line)
-        libcalamares.utils.target_env_call(['locale-gen'])
-        print('locale.gen done')
     # write /etc/locale.conf
     locale_conf_path = os.path.join(install_path, "etc/locale.conf")
     with open(locale_conf_path, "w") as lcf: