path: root/app-misc/rogentoslive-tools/files/2/
diff options
authorBlackNoxis <>2014-02-15 23:24:26 +0200
committerBlackNoxis <>2014-02-15 23:24:26 +0200
commit7224c1253228e5c29c78cb3f0f26ce34770f2356 (patch)
tree1684924656132935256e034f35f92abee6623265 /app-misc/rogentoslive-tools/files/2/
Added ebuilds for kogaion desktop
Diffstat (limited to 'app-misc/rogentoslive-tools/files/2/')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app-misc/rogentoslive-tools/files/2/ b/app-misc/rogentoslive-tools/files/2/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d5584715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-misc/rogentoslive-tools/files/2/
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+LIVE_USER_GROUPS="audio bumblebee cdrom cdrw clamav console entropy games \
+kvm lp lpadmin messagebus plugdev polkituser portage pulse pulse-access pulse-rt \
+scanner usb users uucp vboxguest vboxusers video wheel"
+rogentos_setup_autologin() {
+ if [ -f "${GDM_FILE}" ]; then
+ sed -i "s/^AutomaticLoginEnable=.*/AutomaticLoginEnable=true/" ${GDM_FILE}
+ sed -i "s/^AutomaticLogin=.*/AutomaticLogin=${LIVE_USER}/" ${GDM_FILE}
+ sed -i "s/^TimedLoginEnable=.*/TimedLoginEnable=true/" ${GDM_FILE}
+ sed -i "s/^TimedLogin=.*/TimedLogin=${LIVE_USER}/" ${GDM_FILE}
+ sed -i "s/^TimedLoginDelay=.*/TimedLoginDelay=0/" ${GDM_FILE}
+ elif [ -f "${CUSTOM_GDM_FILE}" ]; then
+ # FIXME: if this is called multiple times, it generates duplicated entries
+ sed -i "s:\[daemon\]:\[daemon\]\nAutomaticLoginEnable=true\nAutomaticLogin=${LIVE_USER}\nTimedLoginEnable=true\nTimedLogin=${LIVE_USER}\nTimedLoginDelay=0:" \
+ # change other entries there
+ sed -i "s/^TimedLogin=.*/TimedLogin=${LIVE_USER}/" "${CUSTOM_GDM_FILE}"
+ sed -i "s/^AutomaticLogin=.*/AutomaticLogin=${LIVE_USER}/" "${CUSTOM_GDM_FILE}"
+ fi
+ # KDM - KDE
+ if [ -f "$KDM_FILE" ]; then
+ sed -i "s/AutoLoginEnable=.*/AutoLoginEnable=true/" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "s/AutoLoginUser=.*/AutoLoginUser=${LIVE_USER}/" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "s/AutoLoginDelay=.*/AutoLoginDelay=0/" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "s/AutoLoginAgain=.*/AutoLoginAgain=true/" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "s/AllowRootLogin=.*/AllowRootLogin=true/" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "s/AllowNullPasswd=.*/AllowNullPasswd=true/" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "s/AllowShutdown=.*/AllowShutdown=All/" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "/^#.*AutoLoginEnable=/ s/^#//" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "/^#.*AutoLoginUser=/ s/^#//" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "/^#.*AutoLoginDelay=/ s/^#//" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "/^#.*AutoLoginAgain=/ s/^#//" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "/^#AllowRootLogin=/ s/^#//" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "/^#AllowNullPasswd=/ s/^#//" $KDM_FILE
+ sed -i "/^#AllowShutdown=/ s/^#//" $KDM_FILE
+ fi
+ # LXDM
+ if [ -f "$LXDM_FILE" ]; then
+ sed -i "s/autologin=.*/autologin=${LIVE_USER}/" $LXDM_FILE
+ sed -i "/^#.*autologin=/ s/^#//" $LXDM_FILE
+ fi
+ # LightDM
+ if [ -f "$LIGHTDM_FILE" ]; then
+ sed -i "s/autologin-user=.*/autologin-user=${LIVE_USER}/" $LIGHTDM_FILE
+ sed -i "/^#.*autologin-user=/ s/^#//" $LIGHTDM_FILE
+ fi
+ # Setup correct login session
+ rogentos_is_normal_boot && rogentos_fixup_gnome_autologin_session
+rogentos_disable_autologin() {
+ if [ -f "${GDM_FILE}" ]; then
+ sed -i "s/^AutomaticLoginEnable=.*/AutomaticLoginEnable=false/" ${GDM_FILE}
+ fi
+ # KDM - KDE
+ KDM_FILE="/usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc"
+ if [ -f "$KDM_FILE" ]; then
+ sed -i "s/AutoLoginEnable=.*/AutoLoginEnable=false/" $KDM_FILE
+ fi
+ # LXDM
+ if [ -f "$LXDM_FILE" ]; then
+ sed -i "s/^autologin=.*/autologin=/" $LXDM_FILE
+ fi
+ # LightDM
+ if [ -f "$LIGHTDM_FILE" ]; then
+ sed -i "s/^autologin-user=.*/#autologin-user=/" $LIGHTDM_FILE
+ fi
+rogentos_setup_live_user() {
+ local live_user="${1}"
+ local live_uid="${2}"
+ if [ -z "${live_user}" ]; then
+ live_user="${LIVE_USER}"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${live_uid}" ]; then
+ live_uid="-u ${live_uid}"
+ fi
+ id ${live_user} &> /dev/null
+ if [ "${?}" != "0" ]; then
+ local live_groups=""
+ local avail_groups=$(cat /etc/group | cut -d":" -f 1 | xargs echo)
+ for a_group in ${avail_groups}; do
+ for p_group in ${LIVE_USER_GROUPS}; do
+ if [ "${p_group}" = "${a_group}" ]; then
+ if [ -z "${live_groups}" ]; then
+ live_groups="${p_group}"
+ else
+ live_groups="${live_groups},${p_group}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ # then setup live user, that is missing
+ useradd -d "/home/${live_user}" -g root -G ${live_groups} -c "rogentosuser" \
+ -m -N -p "" -s /bin/bash ${live_uid} "${live_user}"
+ return 0
+ fi
+ return 1
+rogentos_setup_motd() {
+ echo -e "\n\tWelcome to `cat /etc/rogentos-edition`\n\t`uname -p`\n\t`uname -o` `uname -r`\n" > /etc/motd
+rogentos_setup_vt_autologin() {
+ if openrc_running; then
+ . /sbin/
+ export CDBOOT=1
+ livecd_fix_inittab
+ elif systemd_running; then
+ cp /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service \
+ /etc/systemd/system/autologin@.service
+ sed -i "/^ExecStart=/ s:/sbin/agetty:/sbin/agetty --autologin root:g" \
+ /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service
+ sed -i "/^ExecStart=/ s:--noclear::g" \
+ /usr/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service
+ systemctl daemon-reload
+ systemctl restart getty@tty1
+ fi
+rogentos_setup_oem_livecd() {
+ if [ -x "${OEM_LIVE_NEW}" ]; then
+ ${OEM_FILE_NEW} || return 1
+ elif [ -x "${OEM_LIVE}" ]; then
+ ${OEM_FILE} || return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+rogentos_is_live() {
+ local cmdl=$(cat /proc/cmdline | grep cdroot)
+ if [ -n "${cmdl}" ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+rogentos_setup_gui_installer() {
+ # Configure Fluxbox
+ local dmrc_file="/home/${LIVE_USER}/.dmrc"
+ local flux_dir="/home/${LIVE_USER}/.fluxbox"
+ local flux_startup_file="${flux_dir}/startup"
+ if [ ! -d "${flux_dir}" ]; then
+ mkdir "${flux_dir}" && chown "${LIVE_USER}" "${flux_dir}"
+ fi
+ echo "[Desktop]" > "${dmrc_file}"
+ echo "Session=fluxbox" >> "${dmrc_file}"
+ chown rogentosuser "${dmrc_file}"
+ sed -i "/installer --fullscreen/ s/^# //" "${flux_startup_file}"
+ if [ -x "/usr/libexec/gdm-set-default-session" ]; then
+ # oh my fucking glorious god, this
+ # is AccountsService bullshit
+ # cross fingers
+ /usr/libexec/gdm-set-default-session fluxbox
+ fi
+ if [ -x "/usr/libexec/gdm-set-session" ]; then
+ # GDM 3.6 support
+ /usr/libexec/gdm-set-session rogentosuser fluxbox
+ fi
+# This function reads /etc/skel/.dmrc and properly
+# set the Session= value inside AccountsService.
+# Blame the idiots who broke de-facto standards
+# and created this fugly thing called AccountsService
+rogentos_fixup_gnome_autologin_session() {
+ local cur_session=
+ if [ -f "/etc/skel/.dmrc" ]; then
+ cur_session=$(cat /etc/skel/.dmrc | grep ^Session | cut -d"=" -f 2)
+ fi
+ if [ -z "${cur_session}" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ local sess_file="/usr/share/xsessions/${cur_session}.desktop"
+ if [ ! -f "${sess_file}" ]; then
+ return 0
+ fi
+ if [ -x "/usr/libexec/gdm-set-default-session" ]; then
+ # this edits /etc/gdm/custom.conf adding [daemon]\nDefaultSession=${cur_session}
+ /usr/libexec/gdm-set-default-session "${cur_session}"
+ fi
+ if [ -x "/usr/libexec/gdm-set-session" ]; then
+ # GDM 3.6 support
+ local users_in_users=$(cat /etc/group | grep "^users" | awk -F':' '{ print $4 }' | sed "s:,: :g")
+ for usr in ${users_in_users}; do
+ /usr/libexec/gdm-set-session "${usr}" "${cur_session}"
+ done
+ fi
+rogentos_setup_text_installer() {
+ if openrc_running; then
+ # switch to verbose mode
+ splash_manager -c set -t default -m v &> /dev/null
+ reset
+ chvt 1
+ clear
+ fi
+ rogentos_setup_text_installer_motd
+rogentos_setup_text_installer_motd() {
+ echo "Welcome to RogentOS Linux Text installation." >> /etc/motd
+ echo "to run the installation type: installer <and PRESS ENTER>" >> /etc/motd
+rogentos_is_text_install() {
+ local _is_install=$(cat /proc/cmdline | grep installer-text)
+ if [ -n "${_is_install}" ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+rogentos_is_gui_install() {
+ local _is_install=$(cat /proc/cmdline | grep installer-gui)
+ if [ -n "${_is_install}" ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+rogentos_is_live_install() {
+ ( rogentos_is_text_install || rogentos_is_gui_install ) && return 0
+ return 1
+rogentos_is_mce() {
+ local _is_mce=$(cat /proc/cmdline | grep sabayonmce)
+ if [ -n "${_is_mce}" ]; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+rogentos_is_normal_boot() {
+ if ! rogentos_is_mce && ! rogentos_is_live_install; then
+ return 0
+ else
+ return 1
+ fi
+systemd_running() {
+ test -d /run/systemd/system
+openrc_running() {
+ test -e /run/openrc/softlevel