Guilherme Amadio Gentoo Physics Project ROOT is a modular scientific software framework. It provides all the functionality needed to deal with big data processing, statistical analysis, visualisation and storage. It is mainly written in C++ but integrated with other languages such as Python and R. ROOT is widely used in high energy physics, but also in other data analysis applications. It contains the CINT (ROOT 5.x) or cling (ROOT 6.x) C/C++ interpreter and many other classes for statistics, serialization, optimization, linear algebra, graphics, GUI toolkit, and a complete visualization framework. Enable support for media-libs/libafterimage Enable support for DAVIX Data Management Client ( Enable support for images and data from FITS files with sci-libs/cfitsio Compile included Fortran programs Enable GDML writer and reader Enable http server support including but not limited to fastcgi support Enable support for dev-libs/jemalloc Build ROOT against sys-libs/libcxx Build all math related libraries plugins, needs sci-libs/gsl Build memory statistics library, helps to detect memory leaks Build ROOT's internal versions of minuit (fortran) and minuit2 (C++) Build the interface for sci-physics/pythia version 6.x Build the interface for sci-physics/pythia version 8.x Enable support for dev-lang/R Build RooFit function fitting package Build experimental features to be released with ROOT 7 Enable shadow authentication in rootd and proofd Build libTable contrib library Enable implicit multi-threading (IMT) with dev-cpp/tbb Built TMVA (ROOT's multi-variate analysis toolkit for machine learning) Enable support for sci-mathematics/unuran Enable support for dev-libs/vc with VecCore Build the interface for net-libs/xrootd