#!/sbin/openrc-run # Copyright 1999-2019 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 extra_commands="configcheck" #extra_started_commands="" DNSDIST_INSTANCE="${SVCNAME#dnsdist[.-]}" DNSDIST_CONFFILE="/etc/dnsdist/${SVCNAME#dnsdist[.-]}.conf" DNSDIST="/usr/bin/dnsdist" PIDDIR=/run/dnsdist PIDFILE=$PIDDIR/$SVCNAME.pid if [ -n "${DNSDIST_INSTANCE}" ] && [ "${DNSDIST_INSTANCE}" != "dnsdist" ] then DNSDIST_INSTANCE="dnsdist-${SVCNAME#dnsdist[.-]}" DNSDIST_CONFFILE="/etc/dnsdist/${DNSDIST_INSTANCE}.conf" else DNSDIST_INSTANCE="default" fi depend() { need net } start() { checkpath -q -d ${PIDDIR} -o ${DNSDIST_USER}:${DNSDIST_GROUP} configcheck || return 1 ebegin "Starting dnsdist (${DNSDIST_INSTANCE})" start-stop-daemon --start --exec $DNSDIST --pidfile ${PIDFILE} \ -b -- --supervised -u ${DNSDIST_USER} -g ${DNSDIST_GROUP} \ -C $DNSDIST_CONFFILE ${DNSDIST_OPTIONS} eend $? } stop() { ebegin "Stopping dnsdist (${DNSDIST_INSTANCE})" start-stop-daemon --stop --exec $DNSDIST --pidfile ${PIDFILE} eend $? } configcheck() { ebegin "Checking configuration file (${DNSDIST_CONFFILE})" $DNSDIST --check-config -C $DNSDIST_CONFFILE > /dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then $DNSDIST --check-config -C $DNSDIST_CONFFILE fi eend $? "failed, please correct errors above" }