SquirrelMail: Remote Code Execution A vulnerability in SquirrelMail might allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary code. squirrelmail 2017-09-17 2017-09-17: 1 616700 remote 1.4.23_pre20140426

SquirrelMail is a webmail package written in PHP. It supports IMAP and SMTP and can optionally be installed with SQL support.

It was discovered that the sendmail.cf file is mishandled in a popen call.

A remote attacker, by enticing a user to open an e-mail attachment, could execute arbitrary shell commands.

There is no known workaround at this time.

Gentoo has discontinued support for SquirrelMail and recommends that users unmerge the package:

# emerge --unmerge "mail-client/squirrelmail"
CVE-2017-7692 b-man b-man