Newt: User-assisted execution of arbitrary code A heap-based buffer overflow in the Newt library might allow remote, user-assisted attackers to execute arbitrary code. newt 2010-06-02 2010-06-02: 01 285854 remote 0.52.10-r1 0.52.10-r1

Newt is a library for displaying text mode user interfaces.

Miroslav Lichvar reported that Newt is prone to a heap-based buffer overflow in textbox.c.

A remote attacker could entice a user to enter a specially crafted string into a text dialog box rendered by Newt, possibly resulting in the remote execution of arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running the application, or a Denial of Service condition.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All Newt users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=dev-libs/newt-0.52.10-r1"

NOTE: This is a legacy GLSA. Updates for all affected architectures are available since October 26, 2009. It is likely that your system is already no longer affected by this issue.

CVE-2009-2905 keytoaster a3li a3li