IPSec Tools: Denial of Service Multiple errors in the IPSec Tools racoon daemon might allow remote attackers to cause a Denial of Service. ipsec-tools 2009-05-24 2009-05-24: 01 267135 remote 0.7.2 0.7.2

The IPSec Tools are a port of KAME's IPsec utilities to the Linux-2.6 IPsec implementation. They include racoon, an Internet Key Exchange daemon for automatically keying IPsec connections.

The following vulnerabilities have been found in the racoon daemon as shipped with IPSec Tools:

A remote attacker could send specially crafted fragmented ISAKMP packets without a payload or exploit vectors related to X.509 certificate authentication and NAT traversal, possibly resulting in a crash of the racoon daemon.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All IPSec Tools users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=net-firewall/ipsec-tools-0.7.2"
CVE-2009-1574 CVE-2009-1632 craig a3li rbu