Roundup: Permission bypass A vulnerability in Roundup allows for bypassing permission restrictions. roundup 2008-05-27 2008-05-27: 01 212488 214666 remote 1.4.4-r1 1.4.4-r1

Roundup is an issue-tracking system with command-line, web and e-mail interfaces.

Philipp Gortan reported that the xml-rpc server in Roundup does not check property permissions (CVE-2008-1475). Furthermore, Roland Meister discovered multiple vulnerabilities caused by unspecified errors, some of which may be related to cross-site scripting (CVE-2008-1474).

A remote attacker could possibly exploit the first vulnerability to edit or view restricted properties via the list(), display(), and set() methods. The impact and attack vectors of the second vulnerability are unknown.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All Roundup users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=www-apps/roundup-1.4.4-r1"
CVE-2008-1474 CVE-2008-1475 keytoaster keytoaster p-y