Multi-Threaded DAAP Daemon: Multiple vulnerabilities Multiple vulnerabilities in the web server in the Multi-Threaded DAAP Daemon may lead to the remote execution of arbitrary code. mt-daapd 2007-12-29 2007-12-29: 01 200110 remote

Multi-Threaded DAAP Daemon (mt-daapd), also known as the Firefly Media Server, is a software to serve digital music to the Roku Soundbridge and Apple's iTunes.

nnp discovered multiple vulnerabilities in the XML-RPC handler in the file webserver.c. The ws_addarg() function contains a format string vulnerability, as it does not properly sanitize username and password data from the "Authorization: Basic" HTTP header line (CVE-2007-5825). The ws_decodepassword() and ws_getheaders() functions do not correctly handle empty Authorization header lines, or header lines without a ':' character, leading to NULL pointer dereferences (CVE-2007-5824).

A remote attacker could send specially crafted HTTP requests to the web server in the Multi-Threaded DAAP Daemon, possibly leading to the execution of arbitrary code with the privileges of the user running the web server or a Denial of Service.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All Multi-Threaded DAAP Daemon users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=media-sound/mt-daapd-"
CVE-2007-5824 CVE-2007-5825 rbu rbu rbu