PHP: Multiple vulnerabilities PHP contains several vulnerabilities including buffer and integer overflows which could lead to the remote execution of arbitrary code. php 2007-10-07 2007-10-07: 01 179158 180556 191034 remote 5.2.4_p20070914-r2 5.2.4_p20070914-r2

PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML.

Several vulnerabilities were found in PHP. Mattias Bengtsson and Philip Olausson reported integer overflows in the gdImageCreate() and gdImageCreateTrueColor() functions of the GD library which can cause heap-based buffer overflows (CVE-2007-3996). Gerhard Wagner discovered an integer overflow in the chunk_split() function that can lead to a heap-based buffer overflow (CVE-2007-2872). Its incomplete fix caused incorrect buffer size calculation due to precision loss, also resulting in a possible heap-based buffer overflow (CVE-2007-4661 and CVE-2007-4660). A buffer overflow in the sqlite_decode_binary() of the SQLite extension found by Stefan Esser that was addressed in PHP 5.2.1 was not fixed correctly (CVE-2007-1887).

Stefan Esser discovered an error in the zend_alter_ini_entry() function handling a memory_limit violation (CVE-2007-4659). Stefan Esser also discovered a flaw when handling interruptions with userspace error handlers that can be exploited to read arbitrary heap memory (CVE-2007-1883). Disclosure of sensitive memory can also be triggered due to insufficient boundary checks in the strspn() and strcspn() functions, an issue discovered by Mattias Bengtsson and Philip Olausson (CVE-2007-4657)

Stefan Esser reported incorrect validation in the FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL filter of the Filter extension allowing arbitrary email header injection (CVE-2007-1900). NOTE: This CVE was referenced, but not fixed in GLSA 200705-19.

Stanislav Malyshev found an error with unknown impact in the money_format() function when processing "%i" and "%n" tokens (CVE-2007-4658). zatanzlatan reported a buffer overflow in the php_openssl_make_REQ() function with unknown impact when providing a manipulated SSL configuration file (CVE-2007-4662). Possible memory corruption when trying to read EXIF data in exif_read_data() and exif_thumbnail() occurred with unknown impact.

Several vulnerabilities that allow bypassing of open_basedir and other restrictions were reported, including the glob() function (CVE-2007-4663), the session_save_path(), ini_set(), and error_log() functions which can allow local command execution (CVE-2007-3378), involving the readfile() function (CVE-2007-3007), via the Session extension (CVE-2007-4652), via the MySQL extension (CVE-2007-3997) and in the dl() function which allows loading extensions outside of the specified directory (CVE-2007-4825).

Multiple Denial of Service vulnerabilities were discovered, including a long "library" parameter in the dl() function (CVE-2007-4887), in several iconv and xmlrpc functions (CVE-2007-4840 and CVE-2007-4783), in the setlocale() function (CVE-2007-4784), in the glob() and fnmatch() function (CVE-2007-4782 and CVE-2007-3806), a floating point exception in the wordwrap() function (CVE-2007-3998), a stack exhaustion via deeply nested arrays (CVE-2007-4670), an infinite loop caused by a specially crafted PNG image in the png_read_info() function of libpng (CVE-2007-2756) and several issues related to array conversion.

Remote attackers might be able to exploit these issues in PHP applications making use of the affected functions, potentially resulting in the execution of arbitrary code, Denial of Service, execution of scripted contents in the context of the affected site, security bypass or information leak.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All PHP users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=dev-lang/php-5.2.4_p20070914-r2"
CVE-2007-1883 CVE-2007-1887 CVE-2007-1900 CVE-2007-2756 CVE-2007-2872 CVE-2007-3007 CVE-2007-3378 CVE-2007-3806 CVE-2007-3996 CVE-2007-3997 CVE-2007-3998 CVE-2007-4652 CVE-2007-4657 CVE-2007-4658 CVE-2007-4659 CVE-2007-4660 CVE-2007-4661 CVE-2007-4662 CVE-2007-4663 CVE-2007-4670 CVE-2007-4727 CVE-2007-4782 CVE-2007-4783 CVE-2007-4784 CVE-2007-4825 CVE-2007-4840 CVE-2007-4887 GLSA 200705-19 jaervosz jaervosz rbu