GDM: Local Denial of Service GDM can be crashed by a local user, preventing it from managing future displays. gdm 2007-09-18 2007-09-18: 01 187919 local 2.18.4 2.16.7 2.18.4

GDM is the GNOME display manager.

The result of a g_strsplit() call is incorrectly parsed in the files daemon/gdm.c, daemon/gdmconfig.c, gui/gdmconfig.c and gui/gdmflexiserver.c, allowing for a null pointer dereference.

A local user could send a crafted message to /tmp/.gdm_socket that would trigger the null pointer dereference and crash GDM, thus preventing it from managing future displays.

Restrict the write permissions on /tmp/.gdm_socket to trusted users only after each GDM restart.

All GDM users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose "gnome-base/gdm"
CVE-2007-3381 jaervosz jaervosz falco