Asterisk: Two SIP Denial of Service vulnerabilities Asterisk is vulnerable to two Denial of Service issues in the SIP channel. asterisk 2007-04-02 2007-04-02: 01 171467 remote 1.2.14-r2 1.0.12-r2 1.2.14-r2

Asterisk is an open source implementation of a telephone private branch exchange (PBX).

The Madynes research team at INRIA has discovered that Asterisk contains a null pointer dereferencing error in the SIP channel when handling INVITE messages. Furthermore qwerty1979 discovered that Asterisk 1.2.x fails to properly handle SIP responses with return code 0.

A remote attacker could cause an Asterisk server listening for SIP messages to crash by sending a specially crafted SIP message or answering with a 0 return code.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All Asterisk users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose net-misc/asterisk

Note: Asterisk 1.0.x is no longer supported upstream so users should consider upgrading to Asterisk 1.2.x.

CVE-2007-1561 CVE-2007-1594 jaervosz jaervosz