KPdf, KOffice: Stack overflow in included Xpdf code KPdf and KOffice both include vulnerable Xpdf code to handle PDF files, making them vulnerable to the execution of arbitrary code. kpdf, koffice 2005-01-23 2005-01-23: 01 78619 78620 remote 1.3.5-r2 1.3.5-r2 3.3.2-r2 3.2.3-r4 3.3.2-r2

KPdf is a KDE-based PDF viewer included in the kdegraphics package. KOffice is an integrated office suite for KDE.

KPdf and KOffice both include Xpdf code to handle PDF files. Xpdf is vulnerable to a new stack overflow, as described in GLSA 200501-28.

An attacker could entice a user to open a specially-crafted PDF file, potentially resulting in the execution of arbitrary code with the rights of the user running the affected application.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All KPdf users should upgrade to the latest version of kdegraphics:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose kde-base/kdegraphics

All KOffice users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose app-office/koffice
GLSA 200501-18 CAN-2005-0064 KDE Security Advisory: kpdf Buffer Overflow Vulnerability KDE Security Advisory: KOffice PDF Import Filter Vulnerability jaervosz koon