MIME-tools: Virus detection evasion MIME-tools doesn't handle empty MIME boundaries correctly. This may prevent some virus-scanning programs which use MIME-tools from detecting certain viruses. MIME-tools 2004-11-02 2006-05-22: 02 69181 remote 5.415 5.415

MIME-tools is a Perl module containing functions to handle MIME attachments.

MIME-tools doesn't correctly parse attachment boundaries with an empty name (boundary="").

An attacker could send a carefully crafted email and evade detection on some email virus-scanning programs using MIME-tools for attachment decoding.

There is no known workaround at this time.

All MIME-tools users should upgrade to the latest version:

# emerge --sync # emerge --ask --oneshot --verbose ">=dev-perl/MIME-tools-5.415"
MIMEDefang announcement CVE-2004-1098 koon koon koon