Pavuk: Remote buffer overflow Pavuk contains a bug potentially allowing an attacker to run arbitrary code. Pavuk 2004-06-30 2006-05-22: 02 remote 0.9.28-r2 0.9.28-r1

Pavuk is web spider and website mirroring tool.

When Pavuk connects to a web server and the server sends back the HTTP status code 305 (Use Proxy), Pavuk copies data from the HTTP Location header in an unsafe manner.

An attacker could cause a stack-based buffer overflow which could lead to arbitrary code execution with the rights of the user running Pavuk.

There is no known workaround at this time. All users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest available version.

All Pavuk users should upgrade to the latest stable version:

# emerge sync # emerge -pv ">=net-misc/pavuk-0.9.28-r2" # emerge ">="net-misc/pavuk-0.9.28-r2
CVE-2004-0456 jaervosz