Updated kernel packages fix the AMD64 ptrace vulnerability A vulnerability has been discovered by in the ptrace emulation code for AMD64 platforms when eflags are processed, allowing a local user to obtain elevated priveleges. Kernel 2004-02-17 2004-02-17: 01 local 2.6.2 2.6.2 2.6.2 2.6.2 2.6.2 2.6.2 2.4.22-r6 2.4.22-r6 2.6.2-r1 2.6.2 2.4.25_pre7-r1 2.4.25_pre7-r1 2.4.25_rc3 2.4.25_rc3 2.4.24-r1 2.4.24-r1

A vulnerability has been discovered by Andi Kleen in the ptrace emulation code for AMD64 platforms when eflags are processed, allowing a local user to obtain elevated priveleges. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures project, http://cve.mitre.org, has assigned CAN-2004-0001 to this issue.

Only users of the AMD64 platform are affected: in this scenario, a user may be able to obtain elevated priveleges, including root access. However, no public exploit is known for the vulnerability at this time.

There is no temporary workaround - a kernel upgrade is required. A list of unaffected kernels is provided along with this announcement.

Users are encouraged to upgrade to the latest available sources for their system:

# emerge sync # emerge -pv your-favourite-sources # emerge your-favourite-sources # # Follow usual procedure for compiling and installing a kernel. # # If you use genkernel, run genkernel as you would do normally. # # IF YOUR KERNEL IS MARKED as "remerge required!" THEN # # YOU SHOULD UPDATE YOUR KERNEL EVEN IF PORTAGE # # REPORTS THAT THE SAME VERSION IS INSTALLED.