Wilson Michaels Proxy Maintainers Argentina tv listing grabber Grabber for Switzerland include fanart URLs for some European countries. Grabbber for Europe [replaces eu-dotmedia and se-tvzon] Finland tv listing grabber (0.6.1 add ampparit telsu) Grabber for Finland (Swedish) France tv listing grabber Hungarian tv listing grabber Iceland tv listing grabber Italy tv listing grabber (RUV) Italy tv listing grabber North America tv listing grabber North America Direct TV grabber Grabber for North America (TVMedia) Grabber for Portugal (Vodafone) Turkey (Digiturk) tv listing grabber enable GUI checking enable grabbers combiner enable CGI support UK and Ireland tv listing grabber using TV Guide website Grabber for SD-JSON service (many countries) Grabber for SD-JSON service (sqlite DB) XMLTV/xmltv