Paul Zander Proxy Maintainers OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at real time computer vision. Example applications of the OpenCV library are Human-Computer Interaction (HCI); Object Identification, Segmentation and Recognition; Face Recognition; Gesture Recognition; Motion Tracking, Ego Motion, Motion Understanding; Structure From Motion (SFM); and Mobile Robotics. Use sci-libs/atlas for blas, lapack and sparse blas routines Install user contributed scripts from opencv_contrib (Experimental!) Enable CVV in contrib (requires Qt5) Enable DNN module contrib (requires tinydnn) Enable Drawing UTF-8 strings with media-libs/freetype&media-libs/harfbuzz Enable HDF module (requires sci-libs/hdf5) Enable OGRE vision module support (dev-games/ogre) Enable SFM module (requires USE="eigen gflags glog") Enable xfeatures2d in contrib Enables xfeatures2d and autodownload of samples in contrib Enable NVIDIA Cuda computations support (Experimental!) Enable support for nVidia cuDNN library Enable dnn caffeemodel samples Enable usage of dev-cpp/eigen for computations Enable features2d module Enable support for sci-libs/gdal library Use Google's C++ argument parsing library (dev-cpp/gflags) Use Google's C++ logging library (dev-cpp/glog) Enable x11-libs/gtk+:3 support Use media-libs/jasper for jpeg2k support Use sci-libs/mkl for blas, lapack and sparse blas routines Enable non-free components Enable compilation with opencvapps Enable qrcode decoding via media-libs/quirc Enable multithreading with the Intel Threads Building Block (dev-cpp/tbb) Use Google's OCR Engine Build and install programs for testing OpenCV (performance) Enable Video Acceleration API for hardware decoding for Intel cards Build new 3D visualization module viz based on sci-libs/vtk cpe:/a:opencv:opencv opencv/opencv opencv/opencv_contrib opencv/opencv_3rdparty opencvlibrary