# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 CARGO_OPTIONAL=1 CRATES=" bitflags-1.3.2 cache-padded-1.2.0 cc-1.0.73 cmake-0.1.48 cubeb-backend-0.10.1 cubeb-core-0.10.1 cubeb-sys-0.10.1 libc-0.2.133 pkg-config-0.3.25 ringbuf-0.2.8 semver-1.0.14" inherit cargo cmake flag-o-matic HASH_CUBEB=93d1fa3fccdc22da37aa59f67b213591797db369 HASH_PULSERS=f32b3ef708c0bfb2c414c08971d638527353d376 DESCRIPTION="Cross-platform audio library" HOMEPAGE="https://github.com/mozilla/cubeb/" SRC_URI=" https://github.com/mozilla/cubeb/archive/${HASH_CUBEB}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz pulseaudio? ( rust? ( https://github.com/mozilla/cubeb-pulse-rs/archive/${HASH_PULSERS}.tar.gz -> ${PN}-pulse-rs-${HASH_PULSERS::10}.tar.gz $(cargo_crate_uris) ) )" S="${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${HASH_CUBEB}" LICENSE="ISC pulseaudio? ( rust? ( || ( Apache-2.0 MIT ) ) )" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="amd64 ~arm64 ~x86" IUSE="alsa doc jack pulseaudio +rust sndio test" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" RDEPEND=" media-libs/speexdsp alsa? ( media-libs/alsa-lib ) jack? ( virtual/jack ) pulseaudio? ( media-libs/libpulse ) sndio? ( media-sound/sndio:= )" DEPEND=" ${RDEPEND} test? ( dev-cpp/gtest )" BDEPEND=" doc? ( app-doc/doxygen ) pulseaudio? ( rust? ( ${RUST_DEPEND} ) )" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-0.2_p20211213-automagic.patch ) src_unpack() { use pulseaudio && use rust && cargo_src_unpack || default } src_prepare() { if use pulseaudio && use rust; then mv ../${PN}-pulse-rs-${HASH_PULSERS} src/${PN}-pulse-rs || die fi cmake_src_prepare use !debug || sed -i 's|/release/|/debug/|' CMakeLists.txt || die } src_configure() { local mycmakeargs=( -DBUILD_RUST_LIBS=$(usex rust) -DBUILD_TESTS=$(usex test) -DBUILD_TOOLS=no # semi-broken without most backends and not needed -DCHECK_ALSA=$(usex alsa) -DCHECK_JACK=$(usex jack) -DCHECK_PULSE=$(usex pulseaudio) -DCHECK_SNDIO=$(usex sndio) -DLAZY_LOAD_LIBS=no -DUSE_SANITIZERS=no $(cmake_use_find_package doc Doxygen) ) if use pulseaudio && use rust; then # undefined references with cubeb-core, often need to be filtered for # cmake bits as well if combined with rust in case of llvm mismatch filter-lto cargo_src_configure --manifest-path src/${PN}-pulse-rs/Cargo.toml fi cmake_src_configure } src_compile() { use pulseaudio && use rust && cargo_src_compile cmake_src_compile } src_test() { use pulseaudio && use rust && cargo_src_test # these tests need access to audio devices and no sandbox cmake_src_test -E '(audio|callback_ret|device_changed_callback|devices|duplex|latency|record|sanity|tone)' } src_install() { cmake_src_install use doc && dodoc -r "${BUILD_DIR}"/docs/html }