# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=6 inherit desktop unpacker DESCRIPTION="Top-down roguelike space ship simulator" HOMEPAGE="https://www.gog.com/game/faster_than_light" SRC_URI="ftl_advanced_edition_en_1_6_3_17917.sh" RESTRICT="bindist fetch mirror strip test" LICENSE="GOG-EULA" SLOT="0" KEYWORDS="-* ~amd64 ~x86" IUSE="" DEPEND="app-arch/unzip" RDEPEND="media-libs/freetype media-libs/libsdl[X,sound,opengl,video] media-libs/libpng sys-libs/zlib virtual/opengl" S="${WORKDIR}/data/noarch" pkg_nofetch() { elog "Please buy and download ${SRC_URI} from" elog "https://www.gog.com/game/faster_than_light" } src_unpack() { unpack_zip "${DISTDIR}/${A}" } src_prepare() { default rm -r support/{xdg*,*.{sh,txt}} || die if ! use x86; then rm game/data/FTL.x86 || die fi if ! use amd64; then rm game/data/FTL.amd64 || die fi } src_install() { insinto /opt/gog/FTL doins -r . fperms 755 /opt/gog/FTL/{start.sh,game/{FTL,data/FTL*}} make_desktop_entry "/opt/gog/FTL/start.sh" "FTL: Advanced Edition" FTL newicon support/icon.png FTL.png }