# Copyright 2019-2024 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2

# @ECLASS: acct-group.eclass
# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org>
# Mike Gilbert <floppym@gentoo.org>
# Michael Orlitzky <mjo@gentoo.org>
# Michał Górny <mgorny@gentoo.org>
# @BLURB: Eclass used to create and maintain a single group entry
# This eclass represents and creates a single group entry.  The name
# of the group is derived from ${PN}, while (preferred) GID needs to
# be specified via ACCT_GROUP_ID.  Packages (and users) needing the group
# in question should depend on the package providing it.
# Example:
# If your package needs group 'foo', you create 'acct-group/foo' package
# and add an ebuild with the following contents:
# EAPI=8
# inherit acct-group
# Then you add appropriate dependencies to your package.  Note that
# the build system might need to resolve names, too.  The dependency
# type(s) should be: BDEPEND if the group must be resolvable at build
# time (e.g. 'fowners' uses it in src_install), IDEPEND if it must be
# resolvable at install time (e.g. 'fowners' uses it in pkg_preinst),
# and RDEPEND in every case.

if [[ -z ${_ACCT_GROUP_ECLASS} ]]; then

case ${EAPI} in
	7|8) ;;
	*) die "${ECLASS}: EAPI ${EAPI:-0} not supported" ;;

inherit user-info

[[ ${CATEGORY} == acct-group ]] ||
	die "Ebuild error: this eclass can be used only in acct-group category!"

# << Eclass variables >>

# The name of the group.  This is forced to ${PN} and the policy
# prohibits it from being changed.  The variable is left writable for
# use in overlays; package naming restrictions would prohibit some
# otherwise-valid group names.

# Preferred GID for the new group.  This variable is obligatory, and its
# value must be unique across all group packages.  This can be overridden
# in make.conf through ACCT_GROUP_<UPPERCASE_USERNAME>_ID variable.
# Overlays should set this to -1 to dynamically allocate GID.  Using -1
# in ::gentoo is prohibited by policy.

# If set to a non-null value, the eclass will require the group to have
# specified GID.  If the group already exists with another GID, or
# the GID is taken by another group, the install will fail.

# << Boilerplate ebuild variables >>
: "${DESCRIPTION:="System group: ${ACCT_GROUP_NAME}"}"
: "${SLOT:=0}"
: "${KEYWORDS:=~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~loong ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~arm64-macos ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~x64-solaris}"

# << Phase functions >>

# @FUNCTION: acct-group_pkg_pretend
# Performs sanity checks for correct eclass usage, and early-checks
# whether requested GID can be enforced.
acct-group_pkg_pretend() {
	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"

	# verify ACCT_GROUP_ID
	[[ -n ${ACCT_GROUP_ID} ]] || die "Ebuild error: ACCT_GROUP_ID must be set!"
	[[ ${ACCT_GROUP_ID} -ge -1 ]] || die "Ebuild error: ACCT_GROUP_ID=${ACCT_GROUP_ID} invalid!"
	local group_id=${ACCT_GROUP_ID}

	# check for the override, use PN in case this is an overlay and
	# ACCT_GROUP_NAME is not PN and not valid in a bash variable name
	local override_name=${PN^^}
	local override_var=ACCT_GROUP_${override_name//-/_}_ID
	if [[ -n ${!override_var} ]]; then
		[[ ${group_id} -ge -1 ]] || die "${override_var}=${group_id} invalid!"

	# check for ACCT_GROUP_ID collisions early
	if [[ ${group_id} -ne -1 && -n ${ACCT_GROUP_ENFORCE_ID} ]]; then
		local group_by_id=$(egetgroupname "${group_id}")
		local group_by_name=$(egetent group "${ACCT_GROUP_NAME}")
		if [[ -n ${group_by_id} ]]; then
			if [[ ${group_by_id} != ${ACCT_GROUP_NAME} ]]; then
				eerror "The required GID is already taken by another group."
				eerror "  GID: ${group_id}"
				eerror "  needed for: ${ACCT_GROUP_NAME}"
				eerror "  current group: ${group_by_id}"
				die "GID ${group_id} taken already"
		elif [[ -n ${group_by_name} ]]; then
			eerror "The requested group exists already with wrong GID."
			eerror "  groupname: ${ACCT_GROUP_NAME}"
			eerror "  requested GID: ${group_id}"
			eerror "  current entry: ${group_by_name}"
			die "Group ${ACCT_GROUP_NAME} exists with wrong GID"

# @FUNCTION: acct-group_src_install
# Installs sysusers.d file for the group.
acct-group_src_install() {
	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"

	# check for the override, use PN in case this is an overlay and
	# ACCT_GROUP_NAME is not PN and not valid in a bash variable name
	local override_name=${PN^^}
	local override_var=ACCT_GROUP_${override_name//-/_}_ID
	if [[ -n ${!override_var} ]]; then
		ewarn "${override_var}=${!override_var} override in effect, support will not be provided."

	insinto /usr/lib/sysusers.d
	newins - ${CATEGORY}-${ACCT_GROUP_NAME}.conf < <(
		printf "g\t%q\t%q\n" \

# @FUNCTION: acct-group_pkg_preinst
# Creates the group if it does not exist yet.
acct-group_pkg_preinst() {
	debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "$@"

	if [[ ${EUID} -ne 0 || -n ${EPREFIX} ]]; then
		einfo "Insufficient privileges to execute ${FUNCNAME[0]}"

	if egetent group "${ACCT_GROUP_NAME}" >/dev/null; then
		elog "Group ${ACCT_GROUP_NAME} already exists"

	local opts=( --system )

	if [[ ${_ACCT_GROUP_ID} -ne -1 ]] &&
		! egetent group "${_ACCT_GROUP_ID}" >/dev/null
		opts+=( --gid "${_ACCT_GROUP_ID}" )

	if [[ -n ${ROOT} ]]; then
		opts+=( --prefix "${ROOT}" )

	elog "Adding group ${ACCT_GROUP_NAME}"
	groupadd "${opts[@]}" "${ACCT_GROUP_NAME}" || die "groupadd failed with status $?"


EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_pretend src_install pkg_preinst