PHP Michael Orlitzky Support FPM application confinement through sys-libs/libapparmor Enable password hashing algorithm from app-crypt/argon2 Enable the BCMath Arbitrary Precision Mathematics extension Support opcache JIT disassembly through dev-libs/capstone Enable the Command-Line Interface (CLI) SAPI Include gcov symbols for test coverage and lcov reports. Only useful for extension developers, and requires GCC. Enable the Character type checking (ctype) extension Enable embed SAPI Enable the Enchant spelling library extension using app-text/enchant Enable the Foreign Function Interface (FFI) extension using dev-libs/libffi Enable the File Information extension Enable the Data Filtering extension Add dbm support for flat files Enable the FastCGI Process Manager SAPI Enable the Image Processing and GD extension (requires media-libs/libjpeg-turbo and media-libs/libpng) Support IPv6 connectivity in fopen and friends, and v6 address conversions in functions like inet_pton and inet_ntop. Add dbm support for .ini files Enable PCRE JIT support Add SASL support for the PHP LDAP extension using dev-libs/cyrus-sasl Enable support for dev-db/lmdb db backend Enables the intl extension for extended internalization support Enables built-in opcode cache, replacing pecl-apc et al. Enable Just In Time (JIT) compilation within the opcache extension Enable the Process Control extension Enable the PHP Data Objects extension Enables the phar extension to provide phar archive support Enable the PHP Debug Command Line SAPI (like gdb for php) Include dev-libs/mm support for session storage Enable the shmop extension Enable the SimpleXML extension Enable support for crypto through dev-libs/libsodium Enable the PHP System-V semaphore, shared memory and IPC extension Add support for the PHP file parser Enable support for dev-db/tokyocabinet db backend Enable the XMLReader extension Enable the XMLWriter extension Build the XSL extension php/php-src